Suppose I change my habits, hypothetically.
Who would benefit from it, you or me?
To change a habit be it one, two or three,
Would make a different person, out of me.
Religiously write letters to whom I seldom see,
On rare occasions, receive others back to me.
Text and emails, enthusiasm I never lack,
Response alas, limited do I get back.
Making telephone calls is easier now,
Able to reach you at home or even in town.
Sadly I’m the one running around,
You’re always busy, never to be found.
In life’s ups and downs I’m always there,
Ready and willing to support and care.
To lend a hand with daily chores,
Enthusiastic, happily to take on more.
Relentless am I to the extreme,
To be cheerful and always keen.
Optimistic, eager to please,
Even to those whom have been mean.
At times too generous to please,
Is that a flaw? A defect in me?
Those in place should be left be,
Cause that’s my make up, that’s little old me.
Breda Ware
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