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I simply cannot get along with you

These words you used with so much ease,
Words you wrote, not said, only to appease.
Someone who has no knowledge or care,
How siblings have grown up and had to share.

Your behaviour, for me, is of concern,
For my own sanity, I must stand my ground.
Gratification in this perverse way,
Will come back and haunt you, I pray.

Memories I have which will remain,
No longer will I attempt to defend.
You who constantly like to blame,
Like you have no shame!

The mask you wear, no longer there,
Reveals a face that doesn’t care.
Dismissal option, grossly unfair!
Have implication, repercussions; beware.

Look through the glass if you dare,
My silhouette standing there.
Just a reflection nothing to share,
Your contempt, too much to bear.

Breda Ware

Lifes’s Choices

Where ever you have been my Son,
Personal battles you’ve raged and won.
Gone the bloodshot painful glare,
The lost and bitter angry stare.
Attitude of its not fair,
Replaced by loving eyes that care.

Hang your hat up near the door,
With your family rest assured,
Support and love offered and more,
In abundance we have for sure.
Unconditional? Well not quite.

A goal is set within your sight,
So Son take up with all your might.
A path that’s straight and right,
I will guide and hold you tight.
Man up and face the fight.

Breda Ware

In Our Memory



Yesterday we said goodbye,
To a kind and gentle friend.
Life’s battles conquered,
Alas, his time now sadly at an end.

With thoughts we bowed our heads,
Listening intently to what’s said.
Pausing, quietly to reflect a while,
Remembering his wonderful smile.

Yesterday we said goodbye,
To a kind and noble friend.
Earthly life, sadly at an end,
On his journey, we safely send.

In our memory he will remain,
With that kindly glint in his eye.
Huddle together side by side,
Sadly saying our goodbyes.

Breda Ware

Dark Celebrations

Christmas comes but once a year,
Supposedly full of goodwill and cheer.
Pause awhile way after dark,
In the cities stations and parks.
Ladies topple in five inch heels,
Swearing loudly with looks to kill.
Evidently, unable to resist the call,
Men openly piss against the walls.
What can only be described as pigs swill,
Is unceremoniously deposited at will.
The night creeps in to a sinister zone,
Out of the darkness tortured souls roam.
Hauntingly, alas with no warm home,
For them there is no goodwill or cheer.
One only sees the loneliness and fear.

Breda Ware

An English Forest In Fall


Went down to the forest one Autumn day,
Hours spent, watching squirrels at play.
Others seen scurrying around,
Such haste, gathering nuts from the ground.
Beady eyes urgently scan for more,
To take back to their precious store.

See how the forest proceeds to wind down,
Trees release their leaves, all around.
Floating quietly to the ground,
Bold colours of yellow, red and brown.
There to remain, no further sound.
At length, devoured, by the ground.

Silver Birch, its trunk peeling away,
Stands dormant awaiting warmer days.
Sturdy Pines, towering tall and lean,
With needles still predominantly green.
Rowan, with its berries full and red,
Ensuring birds are kept well fed.

Copper Beech, suductive you are.
Leaves of bronze on branches,
Spreading wildly out afar.
Unlike the other just as keen,
A rich complimentary green.
Mighty Oak, you stand supreme,
Lord of the forest, noble, serene.

Breda Ware

What a sight to behold


Looked out of my window and what did I see!
A bloke dangling but not from a tree.
Perched precariously was he,
High upon a steeple,
Quite a sight to be seen.
Such a brave soul he must be.

Hard hat upon his head had he,
Ropes holding him fast I could see.
Certainly not a safe place to play,
The wind blowing made him sway.
What was he doing on this dank day?
Quite frankly, I really couldn’t say!

Could he be fixing the roof for leaks?
Or testing the timbers that often squeak?
But could it be a birthday greeting?
That’s often left to just a tweeting.
Maybe just lights that shine so bright,
To shroud our village with extra light.

Breda Ware



Leila-mai Pinnock such a joy is she,
In her there lies a part of me.
Bubbly, happy, feisty and free,
The way I’d want her always to be.

Leila-mai Pinnock at times can be bad,
Grumpy, sullen, moody, gets mad!
Making Mummy oh! So sad,
While Nanna tells her, it’s a passing fad.

Leila-mai Pinnock likes riding her bike,
Peddles like crazy with all her might.
Left trailing, poor Nanna,
Way out of sight.

Leila-mai Pinnock has long black hair,
Unlike her cousin both whom are fair.
She plaits it, she ties it, also in a bun,
Leila-mai Pinnock can be jolly good fun.

Breda Ware

Dear Paper

Dear paper, your bear I cannot now

As I do not know, I do not know how

To speak to those who do not listen

To explain you feel when they say you DON’T

To show the things which glisten

When they sometimes really don’t


Dear paper, you might understand what I cannot

To sacrifice “yourself” I was taught

To pay for others’ mistakes

„just for your sake“


Dear paper, help me to follow

That this cage is good for a swallow

Who just wanted to breathe and fly

Help me to follow

That it’s all right when your dreams are going to die


Dear paper, just tell me a few warm words

Without all of „must“ „if not then“ „just do!“

Who gave them right, tell me who?


Dear paper, better you do not speak

MONEY, property, buy, do, give, work more

The words which are my dearest ones‘ creek

They might – one day – be drowned in for!

Wall Of Shame

I made for you a wall of shame
It’s purpose to some would say is lame
For me it was truly not a game
But a means to try and tame
To make you feel ashamed

Your behaviour bemused and made me sad
Because I know you’re not all bad
I raised a handsome happy lad
Hoped you’d marry and become a dad
But you just raged and lost your rag

Once again incarcerated are you
Same old reasons, nothing new
Why do you believe it’s cool
To constantly break the rules
Leaving you looking like a fool

Inadequate are words to describe my pain
Thoughts of you there render me insane
Although you’ve hurt me I remain
Positive, optimistic, just the same
A Mother you’ve no right to blame.

Someone who loves you asked today
Had I seen you? I uttered with dismay
A lie that you were travelling away
What else could we possibly say?
Couldn’t upset him, not today.

Received his kit looks so smart
Not prepared to break his heart
What you’ve done for a lark
Has torn your family apart
There’s still time to make a fresh start

Breda Ware

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