Poetic society for all active poetry lovers


The moment when millions of stars just don’t turn on,
You know it’s now because of the stupid episode when you should’ve said “no”,
The short “yes” entailed you feeling drowning, yet not completely gone.

One… two… three… strikes the clock,
The approaching morning surrounds cells with shock,
Will the day bring about another mock?

No news or surprise: once or twice this has been here,
Hopeless, breathless, sleepless and full of fear,
Alive? You are. Seem to be. But cannot shed a tear.

The blackest clothes you’ve been in for a while,
Those which don’t pull away sparing a tiniest smile,
Though it may sound absurd, you will find yourself the desired isle.
I promise.


  1. adamigo

    Great you joined us, Leni, and looking forward to reading more from you! 🙂
    I really enjoyed reading your poem. Who can’t at least sometimes relate to the feelings expressed? I especially like the second stanza, it’s very athmospheric, as well as the speck of hope at the end because hope is always there.

  2. Marie

    Leni, the second and third stanzas are absolutely great! I love the rhythm a words you have chosen. I am looking forward to reading more! Thank you for your poem!


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