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Love is like chameleon in that it takes many forms,
Given freely and received in different ways.
Once there it has a habit of spinning you around,
Rendering your senses numb, turning your life upside down.

Love in a marriage tender, passionate and real,
Each other’s bodies excitedly explored and revealed.
The smallest kiss renders feelings unexplained,
A pain, an urgency for it to linger longer or remain.
Lips which moisten with the briefest of touch,
Hearts pounding on each and every clutch.

Love of a brothers is powerful and strong,
Forever in your heart where it belonged.
Happy in the knowledge he knows you well,
A relationship that should be safe and sound.
Someone you take immense pride in having around.

Love of a sister a comfort ideally it should be,
Given warmly, a reassurance in that you know she will care.
Quietly without reservations to listen, guide and share,
Installed a belief in that she’ll always be there.
When life’s bumpy and your facing a tricky bend,
As a sister, you trust her, she’ll guide you through it to the end.

Love of a child is a miracle, a wonderful thing,
With laughter and happiness, warm feelings it brings.
Perilous uncharted waters lie ahead,
Unconditional love raging forever in your head.
Be it a delight in a daughter or that of a son,
A lifetime journey has now begun.

Breda Ware

1 Comment

  1. Jaroslav Suchý

    It is amazing how you fit all the levels in… Thanks. E.T.

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