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Enough Said

Not much time to write you a line, just want you to know that I am fine. Finding it difficult to explain, what the trainings like……: through the pain.  First day I expected humiliation and shame, need to learn the rules of this new game. Body and mind tired and maimed, am I going….totally insane?

Passing Out Parade,  I made the grain, parents and siblings you all came. Faces beaming with alighting eyes, concealing the fact that we might die!! Sergeant Major’s voice hoarse: relieved, we’ve completed the gruelling course. Us marching proudly heads held high, Mums and Dads with pride in their eyes.

Base not bad, Dad, settled in well. Won’t be here long …….posting through ……going to hell. Couple of request Ma, simply this, let folk know and gently …….: tell Sis. Don’t see me off Ma, I’ll be back soon: just long enough for you to decorate my room. Trains in, it’s on time. Trying frantically to clear my mind.

 It’s beginning to rain now Ma, what a drag: minds racing need a fag………How’s Dad?

The planes on the runway feeling bad. Guts churning……….boy that’s sad! Must get a grip, it’s my first trip, can’t help it I just feel so sick. (Sigh) Feel such a dick! Corp’s bellowing out……’lads it’s time’. Reassuring us with……..you’ll be fine.

The first thing that hits you is the dust and heat, so oppressive……need to sleep. Early start going out on patrol, mates alongside me, we’re taking control. While combing the area for IED’s, spotted kids watching us high up in the trees. A shot rang out we dropped to our knees ……burying ourselves deep in the leaves.

Corporal ordered us to, ‘move out’……..it was then I heard ‘Smithy’ shout. Hit in the chest he was quite a mess, that didn’t, deter me any less. Crossed the line to reach my pal……………….. realisation setting in……: truly this is ‘hell’. Tried to lift him……gentle like. (Sigh) Ma, it took all my might.

Another day much the same patrolling areas over and over again. Buildings ahead need to check them out……………….strange! …………….too quiet!……………..no locals about.

Ma, took a bullet in my leg, but it’s ok………….: I’m alive not dead.

Enough said………….xxxx

1 Comment

  1. Jaroslav Suchý

    Now, this IS strong… Thank you very much for this piece. I like the rhyming within. Reminded me of my own service – just a rediculous experience compared to this letter. Also of the film and book “Dear John”. And last but not least of the musical “Hair”. Let the sunshine in…

    All the best


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